My first Devlog for HBA! :D

Wow, someone's actually reading this? Well... since you're here, I guess you might've wanted to hear about how this game began and why I've brought it here, now. If this is true:

I'd originally created Hat Box Adventure as an INCREDIBLY basic, 3D template to learn how to create movement and shooting codes for this really lame, mockup game in a homework assignment. It was ALSO one of the very first, few projects I'd ever started in Unity, so it was REALLY boring. As time went on, however, I chose to test most of my newest, most random ideas here, since I already had movement and some neat little, boxed in levels set up... it was simply easier to test things HERE, then to recreate new levels, movement scripts AND debug everything, every single time I wanted to test out something new. Before long, I set up jumping, added a basic UI menu, threw in a bunch of my own, random, 3D models and textures, messed around with absurd numbers until I was firing clones of myself infinite times per second and crashing my computer two or three times... not to mention those FRIGHTENTINGLY massive ice cream cones, which I CERTAINLY didn't set to a thousand times their regular size at unlimited speed... but despite how much fun I'D been having with it, through the editor... it was a bit difficult for me to share it with any of my friends, or even little siblings (who, to this day, are still certainly one of my greatest inspirations, working on this game)... but ever since June 27th, 2019... I'd been merely copying all the files, directly into my Google Drive and sending the link to THOSE files to every person I wanted to show the game to, individually, for EVERY single update. The drive space it took up wasn't TERRIBLE, but making/sharing updates WAS. It's been really hard trying to get ANYONE to check it out, really... especially when I, MYSELF, have been loosing a lot of inspiration to continue working on such a cringy and basic game. That's why I've decided to move to this, brand new platform to EASILY host and share ALL new updates of my game in the future! I've just finished uploading all of the past updates (up to version 1.04) and I plan to submit version 1.05 in just a few months from now! Hope you guys have a wonderful day... and thanks so much for just reading what I'd had to say, and being a part of my tiny, little community, as a whole. You're ALL amazing ^.^


Hat Box Adventure 36 MB
Jan 09, 2021

Get Hat Box Adventure

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